Here’s the thing about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Innovation.

The cryptocurrency/blockchain community has forked into two psychological camps. The first camp is enamoured with all things blockchain and the potential innovation it represents. This camp includes the hyperledger community, company innovation divisions, new cryptocurrency startups and some of the ICO startups. These folks are convinced there is more that can be done from a new improved blockchain. In the other camp; the cryptocurrency lovers, the ‘crypto-democrats’ , libertarians and the anarchists. These individuals are just as enamoured with the potential of what the internet of money (via Bitcoin), its forks, Ethereum and some of the other top ten like Dash and Monero can achieve. It’s the democratisation of money that they love. And, as Andreas Antonopoulos says “Bitcoin is going to win because it’s open. In a world of tinkerers, of experimenters, and of makers, open wins. The reason it wins is that it allows innovation to flourish at the edges.” I would argue … Continue reading “Here’s the thing about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Innovation.”