3 powerful ways to disrupt aid payments and disbursements!

Radical and disruptive innovation is resulting in real commercial pain for business across the planet. You don’t need to look far past what your taxi driver thinks of Uber and your next accommodation manager thinks of AirBnB for examples… they are not happy campers! Payment innovation is a world unto itself but is also in the throws of change (arguably) never before experienced.  If you haven’t been following, the world of bitcoin, cryptocurrency, digital wallets, mobile money, and the like, I assure you it is as radical a revolution as we have ever seen, and it hits where we all hurt, our hip pocket. I would argue that it’s for the better, but that is yet to be seen as it still to play out. One area that has stood without real innovation for way too long is how we get money to aid organisations, and how they they in turn, disburse that money to those in need. It … Continue reading “3 powerful ways to disrupt aid payments and disbursements!”